09 Sep2024
13. September | 20:00 - 22:00 Uhr
F33.1 Eine Störung, die durch wiederholte depressive Episoden gekennzeichnet ist, wobei die gegenwärtige Episode mittelgradig ist (siehe F32.1), ohne Manie in der Anamnese.
Kann man neben den gängigen Behandlungsmethoden von Depression sonst was tun? Ja, zeichnen. Die Künst lerin Lilian Aurelia hat versucht, diesen unfreiwilligen Ausflug in eine für sie neue Gefühlswelt für ihr Umfeld sichtbar zu machen. 2021 in Tinte, heute in Farbe. Denn wer denkt, depressive Menschen fühlen sich einfach nur leer, der irrt.
Weitere Informationen zum Kammermusikfestival finden Sie unter: http://www.kammermusikfestival-regensburg.de/
F33.1 A disorder characterised by recurrent depressive episodes, the current episode being moderate (see F32.1), with no history of mania. Is there anything else that can be done in addition to the usual treatments for depression? Yes, drawing. Artist Lilian Aurelia has tried to make this involuntary excursion into a new emotional world visible to those around her. In ink in 2021, in colour today. Because anyone who thinks depressed people just feel empty is wrong. More information about the chamber music festival can be found at: http://www.kammermusikfestival-regensburg.de/
F33.1 A disorder characterised by recurrent depressive episodes, the current episode being moderate (see F32.1), with no history of mania. Is there anything else that can be done in addition to the usual treatments for depression? Yes, drawing. Artist Lilian Aurelia has tried to make this involuntary excursion into a new emotional world visible to those around her. In ink in 2021, in colour today. Because anyone who thinks depressed people just feel empty is wrong. More information about the chamber music festival can be found at: http://www.kammermusikfestival-regensburg.de/