Beiträge mit Tag ‘Kultur’

Panel discussion: „The future on hold? Young activists from the Western Balkans discussing the ’neverending‘ process of EU accession.“

EU accession is a long-drawn process. Several Western Balkan countries have been waiting for years without being offered a clear perspective. What do four young activists from Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo and Montenegro think about this situation? How do they see their future? Panel guests: Xhulja Mucaj, Albania Selma Teskeredžić, Bosnia-Herzegovina Agnesa Jashari, Kosovo Jovana Jacimovic, Montenegro Moderation: Prof. Dr. Ger Duijzings (Social Anthropology, UR) Warm invitation to the panel discussion! (Englischsprachige Veranstaltung)


Kennenlernen des jamaikanisches Tanzstils mit Regina Schweiger
